Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Soooooooo busy :(

Last week I was so busy I didn't have time to do any posting on here....  I had a Halloween dance show I was involved in on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night.  It went well - well Friday did not go as well as the other two nights - but it was sold out all three, and it was fun :) In preparation for that, I was looking through my dresser drawers in the spare room for costume supplies.  This dresser is quite old, and shakes around a lot when I open and close the drawers.  Because of that, the wig heads (with wigs on them) move around as I open and close the drawers, and I discovered that my puppy is terrified of those wigs!

Please excuse my profanity, but I was so amused I forgot to censor myself!  My poor little girl is currently getting spayed right now - it's very quiet without her here :(

What I've been attempting to do with the rest of my spare time is read House of Leaves which has been a goal of mine for years (since a friend recommended what a fantastic book it was).  I am having a REALLLLLY hard time finishing it.  It is so random and convoluted that I find myself skipping over large chunks just to try and follow the story.  And the story itself is good....  just hard to follow.  I hope I will finish it soon to post a review of it on Shelfari and Goodreads - stay tuned for that!